Rescued From Madness.

He looks down at his blood covered hand and cries, “Im still here?”. He wakes up in a hospital bed after taking 150 sleeping pills. Gloom fills his mind once again, “Why do I have to be here?”, he asks, “Why can’t this breath leave me?”. He stands there with sweat pouring down his face because of the deadly injection administered by his own hand. “Why can’t I just die already?”. “I Know”, he says to himself in a fit of inner rage and frustration. “I’ll do it the way I should have done it in the first place”. He spent months planning the perfect time and place. He tried to get help, but in all the wrong places. Antidepressants didn’t work because he was fighting a disorder that they triggered. He lost his mind. He hurt people and was going to hurt himself. His mind was bogged down and full of delusions; some truth mixed with lies that poured from his mouth like a poison. He was quickly heading for disaster and was willing to take others with him. His family did all they could; this son, nephew, cousin, brother, and deadbeat father was on the verge of being lost forever. But then, Christ reached down and took hold of him, transformed him, gave him back his mind, and replaced that cold, stony heart with a heart of flesh full of love. The guy here, was me. To Christ I owe all. This is but a portion of my testimony, but it’s meant to first, give my Lord praise, and second, to give hope and encouragement to those facing things like this. If Christ, in all His mercy and grace, can change someone like me, He can do the same for you. I love Him, for He first loved me. May His peace be with you all.


Great Are You Lord.

Great are you Lord, and worthy to be praised. I will bow before you in all humility and worship you. When the little strength I have left fails, your strength is perfected in my weakness. When my mind begins to race with thoughts that near the brink of mental break down, you calm the raging ocean. Oh my Lord, you, and you alone, are worthy of all praise, all honor, all glory, and all worship. I love you my Lord, but with the immense love I have for you, I still fail to love you the way you deserve. My heart overflows and I pour out to you Lord. Teach me to be the person you want me to be, guide me down the path you want me to go, and train me to be more like you. You are the one who set’s the captives free, opens the eyes of the blind, and defeated darkness with the brightness of your holiness and righteousness. I am free because you set me free. You calmed the sea that raged in me and gave me peace that I never had. I’m not shattered anymore, I’m not consumed anymore, and I’m not alone anymore, for you my Lord are with me. Great are you Lord, and I will praise you. “All the earth will shout your praise. Our hearts will cry, These bones will sing. Great are you Lord”. Amen.

Great are you Lord

The Way, The Truth, And The Life.

Our Father. Yours, mine. Who are in heaven. The one who sits on the throne. Hollowed be thy name. Honor, glory, praise, reverence. Thy kingdom come, His, not ours. Thy will be done, His will, not our will. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. (Ponder this). Christ is the bread. The word of God. Christ is the Word that became flesh. In John 6, He says to eat His flesh, for He is the bread of life, the Word, and drink His blood. The blood is the source of life, Christ is the Life. Daily communion with Him and reading the word is our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Forgive, or you will not be forgiven. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. We cannot fight alone, for in our weakness, the strength of Christ is perfected. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Some call this the Lords prayer, but really it is our prayer, for Christ said that WE should pray in this way. If you want to read the Lords prayer, go to John 17 and read the words our Champion spoke. Here is something that should weigh on us all. Christ is coming back, and that prayer in John 17 includes that His followers would be one so the world will know that the Father sent His son. My heart is breaking for all the ones who do not know my King. Pray for the lost to come and know our King, our Savior, our Lord, whom is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. To whosoever believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be saved. Grace be with you all.


IT Is Christ And Christ Alone.

Who has the power to drive out every dark force? Who has all authority and holds all things together? Who is the all significant Savior who died to redeem the world and defeated death? It is Christ and Christ alone. Jesus, the one who can give freedom, yet is not allowed in a place where bondage wages war. Jesus, who is the life, is kicked out of where death runs rampant. Jesus, who is the way, is not allowed where confusion is a key strategy. And Jesus, who is the truth, is replaced in a place where lies take hold. If we teach others of Christ, we had better teach the truth of Christ and not piece a false Christ together that will suit those who listen and ourselves. We do not possess that kind of authority to do such a thing, for it is not our Scripture to tamper with. We must proclaim Christ to all, for it is Christ alone who saves. We must not be afraid of offending someone by speaking the truth. Granted, it must be done in love, but if the truth offends someone, then that’s their problem. People call it judgement, but I call it honesty, and if you do not want to hear the truth, do not ask me because that is what your going to get. If you get angry because I speak the truth and that truth does not line up with the lie you’ve been told, then your problem is not with me. However, if what I say turns out to be wrong, I will quickly, and gladly apologize. It is not my words you should be overly concerned with, but the words throughout all Scripture. Let it be repeated, it is Christ and Christ alone who we must serve, and it is Christ we must share with the world. May His grace, mercy, and peace be with you all.

Christ Alone

Christ Drives Out The Darkness.

They surround you. They claw at you, rip at you,and invade your mind. They whisper lies in your ear using first person phrases so you believe they are your own thoughts. They wrap around you and tighten ever so slightly, day by day, to which you are unaware of until you can hardly breath. “I am better off dead”, and, “I am not worthy to be loved”, they whisper to you in the dead of the night. You feel them close in but you do not know it is them. They are demons, powers, principalities, rulers of darkness, that masquerade as addictions, depression, phobias, mental disorders, emotional torment, and any other thing that is meant for your destruction. Believe me, they surround you and are foaming at the mouth to devour you. But there is freedom, and this freedom has a name. Every victory belongs to Him because He overcame it all. Allow me to introduce you to my Champion, my Redeemer, my Savior, my Lord, and my King, His name is Jesus Christ. When these snarling, snapping, grotesque things see Christ, they tremble. Some will put up a fight to you, but to Him, there is no fight; they will flee from His brightness. Be warned, some of these things are beautiful and will make you feel as if you can not live without them. Do not be deceived, everyone of them are lairs because their commander is the father of lies. But our Commander is the way, the truth, and the life, and He is all you need. Christ is power, love, holds all authority, spotless, worthy of all honor and praise, and awesome is His name. Those things, those demons, those liars, will flee from the true Master, Jesus Christ. You can NOT fight them alone, for if you do, you will fail. Christ Jesus is the victor who overcame, and with Him, you too will overcome. Grace, mercy, and peace be with you all.

All Around

In Christ’s Name I Pray.

My Lord, I was broken, but you put me back together. I was lost, but you Lord rejoiced when you found me. My mind was full of thoughts that were destroying me, but you Lord replaced them with your truth. My heart was hardened by life and full of anger, but you Lord softened my heart and filled it with love. My spirit was dark to the point that if it could bleed, it would ooze a thick, black goo, but you Lord restored my spirit. My sins, and bonds, and chains, a slave to my bondage, but you Lord redeemed me and set me free. Who I was is not who I am, but you Lord have used my past to give me a testimony that may carry weight when telling others of it. My Lord, I will live for you because you died for me, you forgave me, you redeemed me, and you gave me a freedom that can only come from you. Send me Lord, to the broken, to the hurting, to the one’s on the verge of giving up; use me Lord and bring hope to all of them. I do not serve you because you have done all this for me. I serve you because of who you are; you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are my Lord, my Savior, my King, and it is a privilege to serve you, and even if I die before you return, I will still serve you. To the one’s reading this now, Lord reach down and bring peace to the storm in their minds, joy to their broken heart, rest to a tired body, and hope to a spirit in despair. Lord, help them, guide them, heal them physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Oh Lord, watch over them, touch their eyes so they can sleep, and their minds so all the noise will be silent. Surround them Lord with your everlasting love and bring peace to them. I humbly ask in your name, my loving Savior and Lord. Amen.For Christ


Christ Restores The Broken.

Many walk around with a bright smile. When asked, “How are you?”, they respond with, “I am fine”. Despite that response, deep down they are hurting. Pain takes over and joy seems to be a million miles away. “Happiness? What is happiness?”, they ask with their heart shattered in so many pieces. Some have internal scars or fresh opened wounds left by hurt. Others, you can see self-inflicted scars as a result of coping with the pain, or from an attempt to put a stop to it. What are you facing right now? What fills your mind when the noise quietens? At times, those thoughts fill your mind when your surrounded by people. I am here to let you know that you are not alone. I am a living testimony that Christ can deliver you from those thoughts, that pain, and that hurt that has consumed you. You are thought of, you are needed, and you are loved. Even a Christian can experience these feelings of defeat and despair, for we are only human. But it is Christ who is our strength. I beg you, if you face these feelings or thoughts, battle with depression, anxiety, suicide, and/or crippling fear, call out to the one who can set you free. To those who can lend a helping hand, if anyone comes to you and they face these things, be there for them. Do not make light of what they say, for you may just save a life. But this post is meant for you who battle everyday with these things. If your ashamed, please, don’t be. I am here for anyone who needs someone to chat with because I have faced those things, but I was set free by Christ Jesus my Lord. There are others as well who are more than happy to help. Do not fight alone when there is an army you can reach out to. My prayer is that the Lord Jesus Christ will pour His peace upon you, surround you with His love, and His presence will replace that hurt with joy. Many blessings to you all.


You Are Worth It To Christ.

So many sit right this moment and say, “I am not worthy”, or “How can Christ love me?”. Please don’t believe these things that are planted by the enemy. If you were not worthy, then why did Christ give His life on the cross? Why did He face what He did if He did not love you? Granted, we truly do not deserve the gift of salvation, but that is why it is a gift. You see, there is nothing we can do or any amount we can pay to obtain forgiveness and salvation outside of Jesus Christ. Jesus loved us so much that He went to the cross to die for our sins even though we were still sinners. He saw the sins we would commit, the many times we would reject Him, and the moments we chose to go on without Him. But despite all of that, He still hung on the cross. In Christ, we are blessed because He was cursed, for it is written, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13). So the next time you say “I am blessed”, remember, it is because He was cursed. Do not see yourself as unworthy to come to the King of kings. He is ready to receive you and will look upon you with compassion when you come to Him in repentance; forgiveness is given to all who ask for it with a sincere heart. Dear beloved, do not see yourself as not loved by the Savior of the world because you were on His mind and in His heart as He poured His blood out so you can have salvation that is freely offered to all who accept Him. He loved you then, He loves you still. In fact, He loved you before the foundations of the world were laid. Do not wait for things to seem better or to clean yourself up. Instead, come to Him now and let the Prince of peace, the Wise Counselor, the deliverer and redeemer, cleanse you and set you free. May His grace, peace, and love pour over you.

Worth It

We Will All Stand Before Christ.

One day we will all stand before Christ. If you read in Revelation chapter 4, you will see that there are lamps, a rainbow, elders, and angels. When you get to chapter 20, they are all gone and only the throne of Christ remains. You see, Christ reaches out everyday to those who constantly reject Him and decide to do things on their own. Even the one’s that say, “Me and Jesus have our own thing going”, if you say that, you are deceiving yourself because Christ offers no compromise. Even now, there is hope, grace, mercy, and the offer of salvation, but on that day there will be no further hope for salvation because the one who offers it will no longer do so; it is gone. In fact, all of creation will worship and praise Christ because He has rid the earth of those who go against Him. Understand this, in order for Christ to restore things, He has to get rid of evil. He will cast Satan into the pit with the beast and false prophet. There is one last evil to cast in with them, you, that is if you do not follow Christ. Is this a threat? Of course not. It is a promise that is clearly written in God’s word. When we approach His throne, we will be blinded by His intense, pure, burning Holiness and righteousness. For believers who have faithfully followed Him, it will be a day of rejoicing to see our glorious Savior. For those who rejected Him, He will reject you and you will be filled with terror as you bow down to call Him Lord right before you are cast out of His presence. Christ holds all authority and He is true to His word. So rest assured that if He has spoken it, it will happen. Be ready for the return of the mighty King, Jesus Christ. Do not play games by saying, “He has been coming back for years now. Where is He?”. He has tarried His coming for people like you to give you a chance to come to Him and accept His gift of salvation. He waits on you, but one day He will wait no longer. May His grace and mercy be upon you.

The Judgement Seat of Christ.

Christ Defeats The Spirit Of Suicide.

Many say that suicide is a cowards way or it is selfish. In a way, that is true, but you will not understand it until you yourself have sinked a blade into your arm, wishing for death to take it all away. You will never know until its you downing an entire bottle of sleeping pills and hoping that sleep never lets you go again. To you who is reading this and are having these thoughts: That blade will accomplish nothing; those pills will lead to someone else maybe entertaining the same types of thoughts. To those who criticize those who think or have tried suicide: shame on you. Do you not know that your critical words may just tie the noose around their neck and string them up. You see, the thought of suicide is not so much completely cowardly or selfish, it is what seems to be a last resort. For me, it seemed to be an escape. I was not looking for attention or crying out for help, for I told no one, I just wanted to leave. I had nothing that I saw was worth living for. A poison was in me and it was slowly taking over until the point I saw nothing else other than the emotional and mental torment I was putting myself through. I felt I was hurting those that loved me and they would be better off without me. I had a daughter that didn’t even know me, but I felt she was so much better off without me and that I would corrupt her with just my presence. In a way, that was selfish, but it was the way I was thinking. After four times of attempting suicide, I felt I was so worthless I couldn’t even kill myself. So my last attempt was going to be full proof, but God had different plans. What am I saying? Christ can deliver you from all those things that fill your mind that was not meant to be there in the first place. Suicide will leave behind more pain because weather you know it or not, you are needed. Please don’t give up, you are loved, and you are not alone. A heaviness is on me because I know that someone, at least one, is reading this and battling with this very thing. If it means anything, I love you, but Jesus Christ loves you far more. I pray that you feel His amazing love and His peace pours over you right at this very moment.

suicide hurts