
Churchianity (uncountable) (derogatory) Any practices of Christianity that are viewed as placing a larger emphasis on the habits of church life or the institutional traditions of the church rather than on theology and spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ; the quality of being too church-focused. Is this you? Do you go to church to be seen or to grow in Christ? To learn or to be entertained? To be encouraged and hear a sermon that will challenge you and correct you? Or one that tickles your ears and makes you “feel good” and get goose bumps? Examine yourselves. Do you play and pretend to be Christian? Do you have religion and do things for man? Or do you have a relationship focused on Christ and do things for the glory of the Father? Keep this in mind, you may just have enough religion to send you to hell. You may even be doing so much for Christ that you lose sight of Him. You may see yourself as so blessed that you need nothing. Careful, for you may just hear the words, ‘I never knew you” from the Lord’s mouth when you stand before Him. Of course, I’m no where near perfect, but I try with everything in me to seek the one who matters most, and that is Christ Jesus my Lord. Do not put schedules, programs, certain days, VBS, music, or even sermons before Christ. He is our first love and let us not allow anything to take His place. If this offends you, then more than likely it applies to you. Repent, for the coming of the Lord draws near.


Cry Of The Warrior.

Warriors of Christ, stand, rise, for He is our power. Lift your sword. It is time to storm the tower. He is not a myth or an imaginary friend. With out Him you would not know where you start or where to begin. No more fear, for now it is time to stare the enemy in the eye. Remind him we have life in Christ even though we may die. Stand to your feet. Bow for no man. If He is with you then say, “Stop me…If you can”. Hear the call and take of the arsenal that is within reach. Place His word in your heart and open your mouth and preach. No more silence soldier, no matter how you feel. It’s about to be on as warriors are gathering because this war is real. The devil shakes because he knows his time is at stake. Let him enter, but he will fall as the levee begins to break. I hear the Lord shuffling His feet as He moves to stand. The fight is on and we are the ones who are seen as having contraband. Sound the warning and let it be heard like the loudest clap. Stand up warriors of Christ, let it be known that our King is coming back.Worriors of Christ

Can You Hear Him Now?

What voice are you listening to? Who are you putting your trust in? Is it the one who promises you success, the world, appreciation, notoriety? Or, is the one who promises to always be there, always lift you up, and free you from that that has you buried in hurt? Your pain is a gift. It teaches you, leads you, but it you let it, it will consume you. Christ has been calling out to your whole life, but the noise of life has been too load that you can’t hear Him. Every step, He has been there. Every heart break, every hurt, He was with you. Your heart is in pieces. You are reaching for the wrong something that will end the hurt. Please, don’t. Not like this. Please, Christ is CRYING out to you. Please hear Him. Oh, dear friend, I promise you, if you reach back to the one who has been chasing you, He will raise you up. Of course life is going to be hard, but the struggle and pain we feel now will not even compare to the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18). Put it all in His hands because only He, only Christ Jesus, can break it and make you new. Christ is calling, will you answer?


Midnight Ghost Train

It’s 5 A.M. This place I’m in. Feels like endless memories, keep coming in and just won’t ease. Break my bones while you throw yours stones. Make your joke while they sit back and cry. Misunderstand the misery as you never even ask why. Back against the wall they fall and never call. Make your joke and get your laugh from their pain. You watch them pass and miss whats there on their midnight ghost train. They need not you, but only one to set them free. He is the Savior of the broken. He is the Christ, yes, it is He. He is the deliver of the captive. A friend to the lonely and He is always active. The memory fades as the one whom I trust is always there. He is with me at all times and it is my cross He helps me to bear. You sit back and let them just slip away as they choose to not take it. But some of us rise up and choose to stop taking the treacherous hit. Do you hear the cries of those who are standing in the rain? Christ hears us and it is He who derails the thoughts that ride on the midnight ghost train.