We Are Clumps Of Clay

A potter sculpts his vase and places it in the furnace to harden. He takes it out and discovers it is flawed, so he either shatters it or discards it all together. You see, this is not how God does it. As the Perfect Master Potter, He sculpts and molds us into what He has intended for us to be. He makes no mistakes so you were made the way He decided, which is as the Psalmist writes in Psalms 139, “Fearfully and wonderfully made”. We tend to blame God for things when it is us who damages the vase He made. We put things in it, fill’s it with things He never intended us to fill it with. We chip it, crack it, fade it, and when we finally hit the bottom, we break. But unlike the earthly potter, God takes those pieces and place’s them back to where they were originally designed to be in, except this time, there is a different look to it. There is something that wasn’t there before. He begins His work. He sculpts, molds, and then He says, “There. There is my SON”. We are new. We are clothed in Christ and His righteousness. See, God gives you the freedom to live your life anyway you choose. So why do you blame God when it was you that messed your life up? Christ is still shaping me and will continue to do so until I am perfected with Him. He is taking the vase that I shattered and is recreating a masterpiece. If you are broken or you notice yourself breaking, then go ahead and break because the Master Potter can take those pieces and make you whole again. I may struggle, but I do not struggle alone, for the King, the Great Commander of the heavenly host, and the Lord of all is right here with me. Come to Christ, all you who are tired, weary, burdened, and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).


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